'My activity levels and quality of life have been restored to almost pre-arthritic status after using CurraNZ for three weeks'

'My activity levels and quality of life have been restored to almost pre-arthritic status after using CurraNZ for three weeks'

THIS month's customer prize winner is Melise Jones, who tried CurraNZ for her arthritis after reading an article in the media. 

Just three weeks on from trying our product, she reports:

"I suffer from arthritis in my knees and left shoulder. The condition severely limits my mobility and activity levels i.e. walking - as well as my range of motion.  

"I have been physically active in sport (surfing, cycling, walking, basketball, baseball, skiing) my entire life and I’m too young to be sidelined! 

"Although anti-inflammatory medication is effective in delivering pain relief, I didn’t want to have to take ibuprofen on a regular basis due to the long-term side-effects it can have.  

"I just happened to read about CurraNZ and the fact it is naturally based, which really got my attention. 

"With the special introductory purchase discount, I had nothing to lose. I’m now 24 days in and I have to say I have full range of motion and no tenderness in my shoulder. 

"My knees are giving me a bit more mileage before they start to stiffen.  Overall, my activity levels and quality of life have been restored to almost pre-arthritic status.  I’ve just made my second 30-day order…

"I would definitely recommend CurraNZ for people suffering from arthritis and similar joint-related conditions!

"Thanks CurraNZ!"

To read the article, click here

Please note, for those using CurraNZ with severe arthritis conditions, two capsules a day may be the most effective daily dose. 

Before using with any medication, please consult with your doctor first.