Still fast at 50 with CurraNZ! NSW State AG Champions celebrates 25 years of top run times

Still fast at 50 with CurraNZ! NSW State AG Champions celebrates 25 years of top run times

Ambassador Andrew Heyden turned 50 recently and set out some ambitious running targets to mark the milestone.

The Sydney-based runner reflects on a fantastic few months, becoming the 10km NSW State Champion and the role that CurraNZ has played.

“I’ve got to be honest, I was a bit apprehensive about turning 50, it sounds a lot older than 49! But things don’t just change overnight and all the more reason to find ways to maintain strength and fitness.

“Fast forward a couple of months and I’ve hit the first three goals already.

“Finding a new job was a main priority and I’m looking forward to it and hoping for a great long-term outcome.

“From a running perspective the first two goals of the year were to try and match previous performances and go sub-17 mins for 5km and sub-35 mins for 10km.

“It certainly doesn't get any easier! My achillies had hindered training in Feb and March, but after finding some consistency through April, I felt I was getting stronger and faster. So, I targeted a fast local Parkrun and ran it hard, finishing the 5km in 16 mins 48.

“This gave me confidence for the next challenge, the Sydney 10 which doubles up as the NSW State 10km Championships.

“The race is one of the flattest 10km in Sydney and the perfect platform for fast times. I set out aiming for a low 34-min run. From the gun I was clocking 3min22 to 3min25 per km and held on through, despite a blister flaring up on my heal.

“I felt strong and kicked on in the last km to finish in 34 min12 secs. I was delighted to be comfortably under 35 mins and keep up my 25-year run of hitting a sub-35min 10km each year.

“As a bonus I was the first 50+ year old in the State Championships - it was a great morning.”

“It’s now seven years since I started taking CurraNZ, it remains the only daily supplement I use and I continue to race well, recover well and train well. I also have a good record of not picking up coughs and colds, thanks to the immune support benefits too.

“Here’s to keeping fit and healthy beyond 50.”