So you want to tackle a BackYard Ultra? Sam Harvey's tips to take you further

So you want to tackle a BackYard Ultra? Sam Harvey's tips to take you further

Backyard Ultras are quickly becoming one of the most popular—and gruelling—formats in the world of ultra-running.

Created by Tennessee’s Lazarus Lake, this unique race format challenges runners to complete a 4.167-mile loop every hour until only one person remains. With races lasting up to several days, it's a test of endurance, strategy, and mental fortitude.

Sam Harvey, a world-class Backyard Ultra athlete and long-distance veteran, knows exactly what it takes to go the distance in these demanding events.

Sam’s 'love-hate' relationship with Backyards has changed a fair bit. He says, “I had a tough few races as I climbed my way to the top. They were very physically and mentally taxing, which I think is burned into my soul and has been very hard to shake.

"This has become less of a factor as I increasingly make improvements in my strategy and techniques. The last couple of really big Backyards haven't been too physically demanding and become more meditative.

“In saying that, I hate ‘Backyards’ for their monotony, the absolute punishment they put on the body, and the massive investment of time they take to race. They make 100-mile racing seem like a walk in the park and I'm always super relieved to race a 100-miler as I know I'm probably going to be done by the first sunset.

"But I love them because they have allowed me to improve myself physically and mentally as an athlete."

In this blog, the CurraNZ ambassador shares his essential tips to help you thrive in Backyard Ultra.

1. Slow Down — It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

“Slow down. No matter how fast or fit you are, or how much energy you think you have right now, slow down. It's easy until it’s not easy, and you can make it not easy so much sooner if you don’t slow down”.

2. Don’t Skip Food and Fluids — It’s an Eating Competition

“It might be hard to keep eating and drinking, but this isn't a race, it's an eating competition. Skipping meals or neglecting hydration will lead to your undoing.”

3. Keep a Positive Mindset — Smile Through the Pain

"Smile and don’t let your mind dwell in the bad places. If you focus on the bad, you’ll have a bad time. If you focus on the good, well... you’ll have less of a bad time!”

4. Make Friends — But Don’t Let Them Drag You Into Speedy Temptations

“Make friends and chat to as many people as possible. Conversation helps to pass the time very effectively. Just don’t get caught running too fast to keep up with your speedy new friend or use up all your energy by chatting”.

5. Bring a Variety of Food Options — Novelty is Key

“There’s no such thing as too many food options. Bring all the treats, because novelty is what will keep food going down. If you have too few food and flavour options, you will very quickly find yourself rejecting everything you brought to eat or drink.”


If you’re looking to improve your own Backyard Ultra performance or want to learn more from one of the best, Sam offers coaching services tailored to ultra-distance runners. Head over to Sam Harvey Ultra for more information on his coaching programs.